Whayner Porras

 Finn Mertens is a fictional character that I consider my hero. He is seemingly the only human left in the planet, his brother is a dog whose limbs can extend magically, and lives in a hostile world which is filled with magic creatures and awaiting adventures. He has several characteristics that are admirable. Firstly his humbleness, he always wants to help the less fortunate because when he was little he had a traumatizing experience, so he want to help everyone. Also his sense of adventure, while he may just be a teenager the diverse adventures he has been in, had been so rough that made him go trough several crisis, during the show we as spectator, can see the development of the character and relate on how all this events affected him. However he has been strong and has overcome his mental problems and it's always looking at the bright side of things.


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Diana Uribe
